Privacy Policy

Privacy Policy

The Privacy Policy below governs your account and any information you provide on this site & Mobile App. Vinobha Milk Distributor (VMD) is committed to protecting your privacy and ensuring that your personal information is protected.

By consenting, and agreeing to the terms of, the Privacy Policy, you also expressly consent and agree to us processing your data in the manner set out in the Privacy Policy. This Privacy Policy describes the information we collect and how we use that information. Vinobha Milk Distributors takes the privacy of your personal information very seriously and will use your information only in accordance with the terms of this Privacy.

This Privacy Policy applies to personal information collected by the VMD in connection with the services they offer. Find out more about us on This Privacy Policy is hereby incorporated into and forms part of the terms and conditions of use of the applicable VDM.

Notification of Changes
This policy may be revised over time as new features are added to the service or as we incorporate suggestions from our customers. We may amend this Privacy Policy at any time by posting a revised version on our web site.

Please check the website at at any time for the most current version of our Privacy Policy.

This Privacy Policy does not apply to:
Information collected by third party websites, platforms and/or applications (“Third Party Sites”) which we do not control; information collected by Third Party Sites which you access via links.or banners, sweepstakes and other advertisements or promotions on Third Party Sites that we may sponsor or participate in. These Third Party Sites may have their own privacy policies and terms and conditions. We encourage you to read them before using those Third Party Sites.

VDM will not collect, use or disclose your personal information without your consent. In most cases, we will ask for your consent explicitly but, in some cases, we may infer consent from your actions and behaviour. By using a VDM site, you are consenting to the relevant Vinobha Milk Distributor company collecting, using and disclosing your personal information in accordance with this Privacy Policy.
We may ask you to provide additional consent if we need to use your personal information for purposes not covered by this Privacy Policy. You are not obliged to provide such consent but if you decide not to then your participation in certain activities may be restricted. If you provide additional consent, the terms of that consent shall prevail in the event of any conflict with the terms of this Privacy Policy.

In this Privacy Policy, your “personal information” means information or pieces of information that could allow you to be identified. This typically includes information such as your name, address, screen name, profile picture, email address, and telephone number. We may collect information from you directly when you provide us with personal information, e.g. when you register for subscription, sign up to the website, use applications, buy a product or service from us, fill out a survey, or make a comment or enquiry. The types of information we may collect from you directly include your:
  • Name
  • Address
  • Email address
  • User name
  • Telephone number
  • Age
  • Date of birth
  • Gender
  • User-generated content, posts and other content you submit to VDM Site
  • Any other person information you voluntarily provide to us Information we collect automatically when you use the VDM Site
Information we collect from other sources
  • We do not collet any of your information from any other sources.

Internal Uses
We collect, store and process your personal information on servers. Our primary purpose in collecting personal information is to provide you with a safe, smooth, efficient, and customised experience. You agree that we may use your personal information to:
  • Provide the services and customer support you request;
  • Customise, measure, and improve our services and the content and layout of our website
  • To send you information, products or samples that you have requested
  • To respond to your queries or comments
Where we collect personal information for a specific purpose, we will not keep it for longer than is necessary to fulfil that purpose, unless we have to keep it for legitimate business or legal reasons. In order to protect information from accidental or malicious destruction, when we delete information from our services we may not immediately delete residual copies from our servers or remove information from our backup systems.

Expanded use of information
Because your consent to the registration, we may use personal to improve the services. Therefore we could use the personal data and the optional information for individual creation and sending of selected information – advertising – via e-mail and/or phone/ on your wireless or mobile device (mobile message service by which you can receive text or other types of messages from VDM (such as short message service, or SMS, enhanced message service, ) 

VDM does not trade your personal information or your milk and dairy product usages with any external marketer or person. 

Should VDM have to share your information with a third party then VDM will try to take utmost care of the information being provided. Only in case of an official request of a government agency, VDM will be liable and will share your personal information.

Accessing and Changing Your Information
You can review the personal information you provided us and make any desired changes to such information, or to the settings for your account, at any time by logging in to your account on the website and changing your preferences in the Profile page.